ok I had a lot to drink tonight.
Reen: thanks for the offer of walking but I will be walking in De Kalb. I am going to graduate. infact I have to go up there on thursday and make sure I get my gown because I am not on the oringnal list to graduate. Stupid paper work.
Lora: if I was not graduating and my foot did not hurt, I would so be up there. Beth used the S word tonight but said maybe I get get someone to check it out for free. You got to love Beth. It would be kinda ironic if Julie A and I both had fractures on the same side of the body because she was toying the idea of walking the ice age 50k and so was I.
I plan on doing a triathlon this year. In fact I figure I will try to do the same one that Lora will do. I figured it will be fun, and I think I can totally take her. If I lose oh well I will see her in her swimsuit. :). I am bad I know. Actually I have to find one I can get a finishers medal in. I would like to do an iron man but I think I am a little early on that. I figure my first running race was a marathon so I might as well make the iron man my first triathlon. Maybe I still will be but it would not be this year. I did find out about a group who does 100 miles every weekend. that would be good training but I do know I need to get a decent road bike and lose atleast 79 more lbs. I am at 21 lbs total. Julia A gave me some more tips on how to lose weight so I will try to do them. When I am lean and mean Lora will go yeah I used to run with Todd but now that he is in the 4:30 min group he does not even know who I am. :) kidding your in the top 10 reasons I do not want to move. ok not really not made that list but maybe I should. Either way you will be in the top 10.
Julia A did say I could stay at her place for things like the chicago marahton and that would be so much fun. Maybe I will have to move just so I could do that. :). Plus then maybe I can sabotoge valde and I finally beat him. Nah for me I realise it just a matter of time. When he is 80 and I am like 79 I will finally take him.
I ran 3 miles and walk 1. my foot hurts some now but not as bad as it was. It is getting better but not sure if it will be better by cleveland. I am not signed up and maybe I will wait. it would not hurt.
I did not ride my bike today because of the rain. only 25 min in like the last 14 years so I figured I would take it slowly. if I am serious about a long tri and I ahve the money I might get a road bike but for now my hybrid will do.