Thursday, January 11, 2007

Swim if you got them

I swim I mean I swim alot.

So far my totals for January
Bike: 45 min 12.8 miles
Run: 2:55 for 12 miles (really jsut walking)
Swimming 6:55 for 15587 yards or 8+ miles that includes drills that can take a long time per meter.

yep there is me and my crappy form I can see like 100 things wrong with it. I will not list them all though.

I am trying to find a good sports dr but no one who runs at work has never gone to a doc about anything sports related. They just rest and recover. oh well. Maybe I should do that. been told I should just not run or walk for next 6 weeks and I should be ok. They are probably right. I been bad on the bike because of that attitude also, but I have been running instead. god I need to stop running but I am an addict. If I do go for a walk keep in short and keep it flat. I tend to walk on the hill course on tuesday and that is not right.

I started lifting to elimate some muscle weaknesses I know I have so maybe in a few weeks that will clear up also and help my knee issue.


Blogger Lora said...

Dr James Flood in Arlington Hts is who I've been to.

12:22 AM  
Blogger Haight said...

What about Dr. Nicola and his staff? Or at least start with Athletico for an initial screening...and the first visit is free.

7:58 AM  

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