Monday, January 08, 2007

Coach and Off to the Races

"Mr. Brown: Will you talk to him, coach? He looks up to you.
Stan: No, I think you oughta.
Mr. Brown: Nah, I'm just his father. But you're his coach! You're like a father to him." - South Park season 10 episode 14

"I'm Fergalicious (so delicious)
My body stay vicious
I be up in the gym just working on my fitness
He's my witness (oooh wee)
I put yo' boy on rock rock
And he be lining down the block just to watch what I got (four, tres, two, uno)"
- Fergie from the song Fergalicious

ok bad news I missed Coach today but turns out she is either a runner or atleast like to party and she can dance. She made the Semi Finals of the Sausage dance. I also never realised how tall she is. This year they had the first annual Hunk Dance. I dragged 3 men onto the floor and 1 made it to the finals. I am proud of that fact. He was the choice of the Suasage Queen. I was out there and I was hoping for atleast a "pitty" cheese but I got nothing. 3 Alpine runners men and 1 woman made it to the dance finals.

My Sno Fun run time was 56:33 which is about an 11:19 pace for 5 miles which is not bad for me considering how little I have been running. I did beat Bonnie which I feel good about but I could not hang on to beat Lisa. She passed me at about mile 3 to 3.5 Oh well. You can not beat them all. It is a fun race though.

Well I am adding another race to my Race Calender. I need to start writing this stuff down. I am going to do a race I missed last year do to injury and I am upset since I would have won the race easily. I could have done it but I was just coming off injury or was almost there. It was probably smart idea but still I would gotten first place even after the comeback. Its the Steamboat Classic 15K in Peoria. I go with the 15K over the 4 miler because it will be alot easier for me to win then a 4 miler. Heavier people opt for the shorter races for some reason and well they are used to running faster than I am. The winner last year for the 250+ Division had a time of 2:00 and I was training for a time of 1:40. I decided to go back and try my luck. I am probably in the best overall shape of my life and I am going to win, win, win, this year. I also also planning on winning at the Chicago Triathlon this year also in the 250+ under 39 division. My goal is to weigh less than that after Chicago Tri so these races are kinda of a 1 shot deal ideally for me. I think my new weight lose goal is a more realistic than I been trying to do and I will reach it
Basicly I hope to lose 1 lbs a week even though I tend to to into spurts.

My mom says when I get down to 220 which is 65 lbs away she will throw me a party. So that is something positive to shoot for. I bought all the pics from the LV marathon since I weight 325 and I thought they all look good as before pics. Maybe I can reach Chicago mary at 220 and I get get those pics for my after pics or better yet maybe I can reach 220 by LV marathon and then it would look nice to have before and after photos from the same race.


Blogger Lora said...

Sounds like this is going to be your year!!

Good Luck!!

4:01 PM  
Blogger Reen said...

Keep up the good work!

5:30 PM  
Blogger Neese said...

I like your winners attitude!!

12:50 PM  

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