Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Now a word from our editor

Talk from last night at Yogis. No real details but this does pretain to everyone I talk to on the blogs.

Ok read it first before reading the blog. Did you read it yet? no go and read it.

Ok Basicly people like me are ruining marathons for everyone. Yep little old me or big old me. I am too slow and I am destorying the sport. Honestly I think I am not destory it but making it bigger. I think he is not upset about slower people but upset that its becoming so big and that .5 millon people run a marathon a year. Honestly if Sunday goes well I will have done same amount of marathon's as the writer. Marathoning become apart of you and yes I do want to get faster and better. Maybe I have started too quick and done too much but I do it and that is my point.

I would say that if marathons dropped off or they worked hard to keep people like from doing them that many races will fall apart. People like me help keep the numbers up. When you finish chicago at like 5:45:00 you still have 3 to 4 thousand people behind you. Honestly you do not ahve 40k 3 hour runnners because the course would just be so jammed up. Maybe the streets of chicago are not the best place for slower runners because of traffic needing to be let through but it is an amasing experience. I do admit my friend struggle and he did not train for it. Plus the slowest finishers at chicago tend to start way up front and that bugs the heck out of me. I figure if your slow go to the back and deal with the more distance. I also do not like the people who carely can not make the cutoff and do not even try to make it. Those people do not have the right to be out there in my opinion. Its like the Mainre corp issue. I do not think anyone should be allowed to cut the course short nor do I think people should sign up for a race they honestly know they can not finish. I have no problem with unsure people going for it and trying it. 1 big reason I switch to the half at the game games because I did not think on that day I could finish the marathon in decent amount of time. They had a 6 hour time limit and I respected it. Milwaukee has a 6:30:00 so I will be out there for 6:30:00 but no longer. I will run if I ahve to get back on pass. If I can not makie it I will drop out. No sense injuring yourself over something as silly as a marathon.


Blogger Lora said...

As an RN who sees what a life of no exercise can do, I think it is wonderful that anyone gets out there and gets moving. If American society would encourage more exercise, we'd have a healthier society.

As for my entry into the half marathon, it was always free due to the fact that I was a pace leader onsite.

If we all could be positive and encourage each other, what a wonderful world this would be.

8:23 AM  

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