Sunday, July 23, 2006

Putting the Lake in Lake Zurich

"I wouldn't say anything is impossible. I think that everything is possible as long as you put your mind to it and put the work and time into it" - Michael Phelps [USA]
Well I did my first day of swimming. finally got to the Lake of Lake Zurich. The visiblity was nothing and there are the constant wakes from all the boats pulling jet skiers. also there is some of the water plants that get in the way. not alot that I remembered. not sure how wide the beach area is though. I htought 50 ft and the football player was thinking more like 50 yds.

I swam for like 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours. I felt good and strong. I need to go to lake michagan sometimes. so much nicer to swim. plus maybe I can do more a .5 mile swim then.

my half marathon time is in. I did it in 2:49:55. I was on a 2:30:00 pace easy at the 10 mile mark but I was still trying to finish the marathon. I was tempted to pr at the half marathon but I really did not want to risk it. My last to marathons I actaulyl held back at the half to prevent pring at the half.

as for my shorts my bicycle shorts are pretty boring being all black. not idea why lora likes me. Maybe she likes my swim suit that I had to run in. I did not know if I could wrap a towel around myself and change into my shorts or not. it was my first time and I was hoping to to see what others were doing but since I was so late I could see what others were doing.

I am so tired and sore but swimming did not effect it so that was good. I did not walk in the pirade because I was so sore. I thought about biking but I am glad I swam. swimming was fun, but I need a watch or something for it so I get a better idea how long I swam. too bad the garmin does not work in the water. I been told I need to swim for like 30 mins a day, 3 days week. I figure sunday, tuesday, and wednesday soon I will figure out something more regular.

I do hope to run ice age next year since I did not get to run it this year.

One thing I do not like about triathlons. is how the difference in distances. That spirit, short, long, olymic are more like a rough estimate.

Lora's swim and biking was shorter than mine no wonder she was faster than me. I need to get a new bike next year. I need a fancy bike like Lora and then I will kick her butt. :)


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