Everybody loves you when your tri.
I thought about trying the dualthon instead. I thought about switching or evening doing jsut the Half marathon. I so would ahve won my age division if they had it for that. They did not. only 22 people in it. I guess apart of me did not want to do the dualathlon. I guess I would have felt like I was letting myself down then. The swim was something I wanted to do. I do not know why. I did not train for it but if Lora could do it I could do it. My goal of course would be to beat Lora's time.
First the results
Lake Michagan triathlon
Total time swim trans 1 bike time trans 2 run
3:08:29 56:02 6:06 1:13:14 3:06 50:02
What can I say. I got the bunch of us laughing as we went into the water with the statement. "Oh yeah how do you swim?". What they did not realise that I was seriously asking. I never thought I was a bad swimmer but my joke about being last in the swim including amoung the Olympic distance was not a real joke I said it a jokely way. yeah I was not even 1/4 way done and was struggling so I remember the girl who will not be named (Lora) talked about the backstroke. I travelled most of my distance doing it. I found myself weaving. nothing like swimming and finding yourself heading to shore. 1 guy I saw stood up and ran andtleast for awhile. I do not know how that kinda thing works. I was shallow enough that my foot did touch the bottom and I just pushed myself back up headed for deeper water and continued on swimming. I thoght about faking swimming and run but I figured that would be cheating so I did not do it. on the turn to shore as soon as I could walk I did and when I got out of the water I was beyond exhausted. I got frustrated a few times during the race when my right calf and other time when both my feet crapped up. It frustrating and painful and I was worried they would see it and pull me out of the water. I almost kissed the ground when it was over. .5 miles in the water is alot harder and farther than I expected.
I took my time during the first transition. I was resting and trying to get sand off my foot. I did not bring water for that and I should have gotten that. it might have better better after the bike to have 2 socks it might have been better. I also liked it. I mean I had a few spots that were hard. I aveged almost 13 mph on my bike and that is good for me. I felt when it was done I could ahve done 2 more laps. I was glad though when it was done because running is my strong point. It was a 5 miles down and back. 3 laps total. The hills were not too steap and ones that were was quite short. I also know I really need more bike time and a faster but but I really ejoyed it. It was fun. plus I got to ride with alot of the oympic people so I was not so alone and I knew I would finsih it. I enjoyed it and I did not push myself way too hard.
Well my right calf was hurting kind by the tendon. That was not good. It was so hot and I decided not to really run it. I mostly walked it. I did run for my photo and when I saw the end. The run was so hot but the calf hurting and the heat I think the swim was even more enjoyable.
Question is would I do it again? yes. definitely yes but I need to train more. like follow a schudule. my parents think I would run less marathons but that is not true. I will still do my long runs but I might bike and swim during my tempo type runs. I will figure something out. Wtih all the heat it would be better to swim than to run anyways. I know in an 1 hour I swim a 1/2 mile. :). Will I do i next time with Lora who knows. I am thinking about lake genva for next time. Alot more hills even one they call the killer hill but the time is good and I think it would be fun again.
Congrats! Great job! You're amazing!
Congrats Tri-man!! Now learn to swim!
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