Tuesday, October 03, 2006

OK more techical info now

Well my garmin said I did 26.51. I know I took 1 curve a little wide. IT was about mile 14 and I wanted to give my knee a break. It was not hurting but I did not want to take any chances. I want to do well in Chicago, and of course finish chicago. My weekly millage been kinda bad this summer but I have something 2 marathons and 1 ultra so I think my overall fitness level is better but its taking longer to recover then I would like. First Marathon and Ultra I basicly PR. Marathin I pr'ed by 11 mins and the ultra was not an official pr but I did my first 50k in about 8:45 and this was a little less than 30.11 in 8 hours which is alot laster than the first 50k but not quite the same ditance.

Garmin % error was 1.18% which is still quite good. somehow my max speed it said was 57 miles per hour. You know what. I think I had it on on the high way so I turned it on and off again so I was doing that on the highway. hehe. glad I remember it. ok I will give garmin a 26.50 because of my little problem. So I figure only about 1.14% which is pretty good. I always compare the garmin at each mile marker to get a sense how far its off so I know how to better read it.

My Avg heart rate was 146. Which is about where I would like it to be. It was getting over 160 for the last couple of miles but that is getting a little high. 154 is where it should be for maxium cardio trainiing for me.

Tueday I am walking even though I was only going to swim. Michelle is going to be there so I figure I better be there also. I talked to her for 2:30 hours last night on the phone.

Chicago I am thining about the 5:45 pace group. 5:45 is a PR for me. Knee is getting slow close to being better now its not funny but still not there. If it still hurts with hard pressure after chicago marathon I may not do the 50/50 and just let myself heal unless of course Lora wants to do the 50/50.


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