Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Swimming and Lora

"You can hit your legs really hard, you can get very, very sore from training and I love that, but, the one I'd feel most on stage is legs. But, the thing that happens is once the adrenalin kicks in, that's the trigger." - Warren Cuccurullo of Duran Duran

Today I am sore from Sunday. I swam for a good 30+ minutes last night. Funny I was watching a young girl doing her laps and well she was doing all these weird things and make some big splashes. I am like does she know what she is doing or is this a case of being self trained like I was. Well when I finally got into the water I could see her from under the water and I was even more confused by what she was doing. She was so splashing and what not I thought maybe she had only 1 arm and had some other physical problems. She was going free style with only 1 arm and kicking like a dolphin. I still do not get it. I am a slow swimmer but I decide to see how I do matched up against her so when she was free syling I start out and see if I could beat her. She still beat me in 25 meters but not by much. I felt good about what my "coach" says and will keep it up. I will admit when I put in my 1/2 mile in I stop alot but when a cute girl enters the pool its hard not to keep going. There was a girl waiting and I was trying to stay in the pool until after she got in. Interesting thing about watching her after I got out and she took my lane was just how good her form was. She jsut glided through the water and made it all look so simple. I was impressed. My form is getting better but I need to drill more. I know like running drills are important but the least fun.

I also learnt the 1 key about swimming. That is do not ever weigh yourself when you first get out of the pool. Looks like your body absorbs water and your weight can really be up. I noticed this when I got out of the pool I weight over 300 lbs again. I got home and was down to 298. I felt so bad and depressed until I ate dinner watched some tv and weighed again and I was down to 294. I felt so much better. I just need to break the 289 ceiling. I swear getting into a new decade is tough. I always get close and then go back up.

Really good news is my knee feels alot better since I got the brace so I think I will be back running regularly again. This should kick my weight lose back into high and I may be able to run with Lora this weekend. I am sure she would like that. I know she is just using me for my body ( to help pace her) but I do not mind. Tonight and maybe thursday will be the real test. I want to take it slow but if I am going to do like 18 miles I need to speed it up a little more and make sure my knee can handle it.


Blogger Lora said...

How about we see who can lose 5 lbs first??? A little contest :)

Don't hurt yourself over trying to make it on Saturday. I'll be around for a looooong time (hopefully!)

1:59 PM  

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