Sunday, September 10, 2006

Alpine Races

How cute is that. Yep Stephanie is an Offical Race Offical and Ron is helping her get her sign on. I guess a girl who loves to bike will bike than run. :). I wonder if that was the thing Pat needed to talk to Stephanie about.

How did I do? Well I got 4th in Cylasdale D

Pace max speed mph Calories Avg Heart Rate Max Heart Rate
Mile 1 9:25 8.9 312 171 182
Mile 2 10:16 6.8 317 178 184
Mile 3 10:46 7.3 301 176 184
Mile.14 1:03 9.5 54 183 191
Total 10:03 9.5 984 175 191

Total time 31:32. offical pace is 10:10 since its 3.1 miles.

It was cold and raining. I had a great pace and I am proud of it. Sad thing I am the only Cysdale or Athena that did not get an award. How frustrating you PR by like 7 mins and yet you only one who does not place. Oh well there is always next year. Once I drop 70 lbs I should I ok.

38:48 was my past pr so was 7:16 time off it.

How Ironic. I just learnt there were no 30 - 34 old who ran the race. In fact there were 2 but we both ran as Cyldesdale Ds. So if we were both in the A/G instead of 3, 4 we would have had 1,2. How crazy is that? Is it too late to switch to A/G?

I did Elicpical for about 16 mins but my legs where so tired. then I biked for 15 mins but it was hurting my knee so I stopped and swam for about 30 mins. I took it nice and easy no idea how far I went.


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