Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I heart Lora

"Why are you guys wasting all of your time fighting each other? I mean, come on, seriously. Put the egos aside for a second, guys, please. Deal with the issues, okay. We have a deadly petroleum situation, not to mention -- SHUT UP! SHUT! -- Cystic Fibrosis, civil war in Africa, toxic fish. You have children in your own community who are going to prison. Father Flavin doesn't have the money to help them! Ma'am, listen to me!" - Tommy Corn from I heart huckabees

Yes there is politics in running. There are politics in every social setting. It is simple why. We are social creatures who have a need for a heirarchy. People are constantly fighting control of it. Now people can and will screw other people over, and do things other will not like. One of the biggest things I promise no matter what happens I will not allow the politics to get in the way of my runs and between me and my running partners.

The greatest problem we all have is the inability I think to see things from others perspectives. We all love to judge people and we do like to take the moral high ground and yet when faced with the same situation we may follow the same path others would condemn. Life is never black and white. I been told several things about Beth and Pat that frankly has upset me. Still I support Beth and PAt in there in enduverous and I still like them. Even though I guess they have done things to upset people at the same time I know they have done alot of good things also. We are all flawed people who make mistakes. We deal with the issues in our lives the best we can. One problem with being in a club is there is so much history we do not know and did not experience that to get an accrurate view of past events are impossible.

I will tell you one of my biggest pet peaves is hypocracy. We all do it and I know I have done it myself. Like my cousin who said English government is doing my in-laws wrong since they will not allow them to visit England from Packastain because of people who abused it and seeked assylum. Now my cousin wants to do the exact same thing. Maybe Packastain there are some big problems going on there but to complain how we do not want to abuse it and then 2 months later say they need to do it just bothers me. I do not want to see his inlaw to die I just want people to be honest with there attention instead of misleading people jsut to try to gain sympathy.


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