Thursday, August 31, 2006

omg I new it

I new Lora would once again pick the pass group over me. Sure I did not think I could keep up with her in a marathon because well look at her. She can really shake that money maker. I will stay with the marathon since well I need more marathons. I really like to do the half on monday or the half with Alpine but with m knee causing issues I rather heal and then do Milwaukee and then Chicago. For me its about the thrill of the marahton. I love to run with Lora and John at Chicago half and I would even try to be goofy for them but unless I do not think I can make milwuakee I will not do chicago half. Plus I am boycotting it because it took away Lora and Reen from me. Without Lora there reen never comes out either. :(.

I took thursday night off and I may swim tomorrow nigt. I would have done that tonight but I left my suit at home. So tired and my headhurts. I am going through alot of changes in my life Ithis is apart of it.


Blogger Neese said...

when you say "try to be goofy" do you actually dress in a goofy suit for the marathon?

take care of that knee. and i hope your life changes are positive one's if not, i'm sorry and hope things start looking up.

7:01 PM  

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