Wednesday, August 16, 2006

2 run or not 2 run that is the question

I walked last night as part of my Ultra Marathon recovery. I did not want to push myself so shannon and I walked 4 miles. I am not in bad shape my top of my feet hurts and I have 2 tendons that seems to be tight and sore at the bottem of my legs. Today I cross train. I am going to try out my new tri shorts. you know the ones where everyone loves you when you tri shorts. Tomorrow night is the Nike run hit wonder which I signed up to do so friday I will be tired.

Shannon made me realise something big yesterday and that is I turned down a good paying job with a company so I can run with Lora and as soon as the other job has passed then Lora leaves me. Interesting she begs and begs for me not to move and I give in and yet she does not even think twice in leaving me, and she left me for some girl as Kathy pointed out to me. Interesting very interesting. let the rumors start.

It sucks that my tri is on sunday as well as the predictor race. Looks like I will either miss it or get there kinda late. Then again its at 9:30 so maybe I can atleast say hi to people after my race. I heard that is a really good tri. I ahve to be there by like 5:30 though which kinda sucks. 1 thing that sucks about tris is having to get up so darn early. looking into maybe a hotel in that area and save myself some time. 1 more hour sleep would be nice but then again is 1 hour asleep worth $50 or more? the gas coming home is not cheap either.

The real question is Alpine Races. Now for many its easy. go and volunteer and have fun. My issue is that it is one of the few that have full Cylesdale awards. Last year the CARA circuit race had only 5 people in it total in the 10k and 2 people in the half marathon. this year they have a 5k and a Half Marathon. So I have a potential to finish well in both in theory. Also taken about 10 mins off my half marathon time. I would have to run against people like Ron Lawson though.
2004 they seem to have a 10k and they had 10 cylesdale ds. but they had no Cylesdale for the 5k then either. not sure what to do. if I had a shot of placing I think I should do it but not sure if
I do. Also not sure if its the right thing for me to do since I am in the club for a whole year.


Blogger Neese said...

sorry about your pitty pats, todd. hope they feel better soon.

i don't quite understand the last paragraph/dilemia about Alpine Races. wish i could lend some advice

6:43 PM  
Blogger Lora said...

Go volunteer and have fun. Me and Beth..yep--if you would have stayed late at ICE Age, you would have understood.

3:58 AM  
Blogger Haight said...

Neese...I wouldn't worry too much about understanding Todd's thought process.

I've been reading his blog for a while now and still scratch my head.

6:36 PM  

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