"When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago" - Friedrich Nietzsche
I was too tired to do aynthing. I did get my peddles on and I tried getting in and out of them but I was exhausted. It was getting late and lucky for me I would have been caught in the ran. I been having problems with my leg. Looking back I bet its from biking since how could being off your feet for 8 weeks cause you to have overuse problems with your legs now. I did pick up my room more because I know that I need to get it clean. Now that I got my tv I can throw away some of my old stuff that let me use a monitor as a TV. It just occured to me. I am trying to make my life more simple and more easier. I will do that once I convert my old vhs tapes to DVD. only a few tapes I will pack away. Problem with packing things away is you may never need them so you store them for no reason.
My spiritual teacher who claims enlightenment who I have no reason not beleive him at all told me this basicly. When he is tired that is when he gets into the most trouble. Every bad thing in his life comes when he is tired. That is very true. I been so tired all week its not even funny. Speaking of tired my weight today is back up to 302.2. I knew the 200+ was too good to be true but I also know it takes awhile for me to stay completely at one wieght. heck even getting this low was a challege. Now that I am working its even more so.
Tonight I am off to Lake arlington to try to run with people who are way way too fast for me. :). I am also thinking about getting a water belt for work. I like to walk at lunch and the water belt would make drinking easier while I am eating my lunch. carring the water bottle is such a pain.
Gay Games do not look good. like 2 years ago they were suggesting finisher medals and I think if they got them this year they would advertise. I seen nothing on the gay running clubs web sites that they have them either. I think I would be better to pass on it and just focus on keeping up with the 11 min milers during the training runs.
Work is (*&^%! And being tired is all part of the joys! I think your spirtual advisor is right!
Get a good nights sleep and I'll see you in morning!
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