Friday, March 17, 2006

3rd day

"Monday one day, Tuesday two day, wendesday what day thursday day. The thrid day."
- Joey Tribiani

Its been awhile. I been so busy. Today I have an all day interview. Yesterday its was my sister's birthday. I bought like 4 workout shirts for $2.77 each. This girl and I seem to be getting close and now she is in Mexico for 2 weeks? What is a boy to do. Her friend though is the girl I like too. I mean I not sure if I want to date her friend but she is cool.

Wednesday I was really tired and I did not get to the gym. I took the day off. Thursday being my sister's birthday and I had to buy a new shirt. Of course they had no long sleeved shirts in my size. The shirt I had which was like a wringly shirt has disappeared. So I could only use my short sleaved shirt. I will not take my coat off.

Catapillar never got back to me so not sure if I will be going there Sunday night.


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