Thursday, April 13, 2006

q and a

Q: Are you moving for sure?

A: not yet. I got 2 interviews next week but the chances are I will.

Q: what did you forget that Beth taught you?

A: that is beautiful and always right. hahah jk. about using stairs to strech out calf muscles. I did not do it and that is a great thing to do.

Q: how is the foot?

a: Foot seems fine. I ran tuesday no real issues. monday the other foo was running. I think stopping was the right choice.

Q: Well I help Lora with the new guy?

A: I help Lora with anything she ever needs so yes I will. jsut have to work on getting faster to keep up with her. :)

Q: Is the training program worth it?

A: Answer evenif you out running with the gorup there are so many other good things. I think its great. if you are experience its not as important but even us old pros make mistakes

q: why are you so tall?

A: Dutch people are tall.

Q: why are you so sweet?

a: I am made out of honey


Blogger Reen said...

You made me smile - Thanks!

7:46 PM  
Blogger Lora said...

Why do I want to pinch your cheeks right now?? (behave yourself with the way you're thinking)

P.S. Wear the garmin tomw!!

4:13 AM  

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