Friday, April 07, 2006

Tis the night before ultra and all through the house

Lora does not want me to run it. She wants me to go out and run with 2 really hot girls. Well I get to run with beth kinda and well she is such a cutie also. The other night I had a very lucid dream about Beth. I guess I always wanted to kiss her. :) Plus she told everyone at the Alpine meeting tht I am going to run the 50k.

my muscles are tighter than a virgin on porm night. my feet already hurt for some odd reason. I been trying to strech them and they are getting better but they were so tight, and still so tight.

But I do get a medal, fun, and beans and rice. Plus maybe I will impress certain people. If I drop I still have a new cool shirt, and beans and rice.


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